Sunday, October 31, 2010


A simple hello contains alot of energy.

energy for the next meal
and a clean home

enough to move mountains
in my home

infused with yellow
flagged messages

tucked behind a grimoire

daring you to gather
onions close to your nose
with open eyes

gathering hair
substantial enough
to pull

open my eyes

I wish not to sleep
in the scent of grease.

Attraction of the Word

A child reads a letter
written by a less than
middle aged woman.

There are 2 sentences.

Each letter is connected
to another letter.
There are spaces too.

The child says the writing
is very good.
It is clear and childlike.

None Lady

Old woman
Grows through leaves
Clovers slip from
Slits in her eyes
Melting like snowflake
Onto her tongue
Taste of mopheads
Flower on each bud
Makes her blurp
Dustbowls hollow
In her cheeks
Carved into
Picket corner
Honking doll drums
In the noontime sun

On axis.

Turning freely.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yellow Caterpillar

I find a yellow caterpillar
on a kitchen counter...

It's fat & juicy.
It has a moist sheen.

It jumps off and takes flight in the air!
Whizzing erradically!
Like it's trying to break free
and get out!

Whizzing, whizzing
back and forth...
Making sharp ZZZs in the air!

Out comes a butterfly!
With fresh wilting wings...
still a little crumpled
from being inside all the time...
Its colors are muted.


It's wings get bright!
and strong!
and big!
and vibrant with color!

It is born with me...
so it's not afraid to land on my finger.

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Burdock Game

Matching places of bur
golden watermelon seed
skipping along burdock lakes
beds prepared by geisers
old ones who expell
golden raindrops
playing chords
on the organ
of smell
as marbles
scramble like seed
toward another game
of cartoon watching comfort
positioned for catching marbles
toward the other game one plays.

Life happens... as we make plans.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Returning Aids

I sent out an appeal
for correction
and it flew back at me
like a boomerang
of soft hands...
in motion...

toward or away?

toward or away?

Towards AND a way
to returning aids... those soft hands in motion for my appeal.

Flattened Chicken

I pounded you
with a mallot of warnings
Wrapped tight with clear,
synthetic, invisible seals
on the best surface
for cutting meat
and keeping clean
My lips
falling off
the counter,
easy to wipe free
the remains
of fresh growth
tossed in the pan
or in the can.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Frozen Ants

Polyp prone
Tails and pipes
Viewings through
underwater glass
Underwater gas
Sea green
Pinhole snoring
Loud snoring
From pinholes
Dark underwater
Wiping out the tide
of safety measured pride
Dark underwater
Blocked out geometry
Above your head
Where cold storage safekeeping
Attracts ants in the heat of
day breakage
Where they die in relief...
In the heavy of possibility
and the cool of likeness...

Will you come alive outside your safekeeper?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Origins of Translated Gibberish

gibberish (German)

engolten (einholen)
meiner (meiner)
frei (frei)
mesteiten (mitteilen)
cholung (scholle) (eisscholle) (erdscholle)
entoltung (enthalten)
joinen (johlen)
menschen (menschenkette)
stung (stumm)
jefushung (justierung)
meichug (meinung)
leichteg (leicht)

Translated Gibberish

To pull in               (To pull in)

What is mine          (what is mine)
My people
My family
People like me
My own kind

Free                      (free)
Free of

To tell                   (to tell)

A place                 (a place of ice and clod)
ice flow                
clod of earth       
To contain             (contains)

To howl                 (the howl)

Human chain          (the human chain)

Dumb                    (mute)

Adjustment            (adjustments)


Light                      (of light)


In One Day

I'm so full right now
I can barely speak...
so Let's try:

In one day

I traveled
so near.

This place I long to live.

It is mapped here
by a string
so deep
within the cracks
and crevices
that I can barely speak
so Let's try:

In one day

I danced on a lotus in china
Tasted a Russian trio
Trekked through the shire in Mexico
and died in India...

In one day

you drop me
where I need to be
amongst pots of gold
where all is exposed
if you let it be
Angel city...

around every corner
in your being
you drop me
where I need to be
you take care of me
Angel city...

And there's walking!
Alot of walking
with all your questions
and imperfections
driving through public
open airways
you sing to me
a beautiful growing
rubble of birth...
Reminding me this:

what turns me away
is my turning away...

Angel city
You drop me
where I need to be
and when I can't see you
All I need to do is ask...

And you drop me
where I need to be.

I love you angel city... all in one day.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Burden up the housetops
Heart panting on the table for fear

GO in the daytime
before days fallen
is fallen
fall in to the ground
traveling tables
fixing fear
unto the ground
for panting hearts
set on the table

GO in the daytime
before it falls
panting on the ground

GO traveling heart
panting on the table
Burning up the housetops

GO before it falls
up on the table
in the daytime
on the ground

GO now
GO now

Friday, October 22, 2010


the insides of my eye
Swell out poetic
Tightly placed
Where none dare go
Tell me what you see from here...
An expression
Ornate with age
And many pieces of
Squared eye
Tilted head
Inside my eye
Where none dare go
Willing vessels
Bearing expression
Where I may go
Through messages
Torn above air
Showing what I see from here:

There is no such thing as inanimate objects.

They're moving

It's moving

We're moving

I'm not on drugs.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Collecting Fractions

I've been out today
Leaking out of open
windows collecting
Light scratches
Fractions formulas
Leaking passing over
Collecting free
Filters passing over
Light scratches
Passing free today
Over collecting
Leaking free
Reading fractions
Free formed
What if
Light scratched
If I were to
Is it full

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tin House Lady

I heard a woman read tonight...
and delighted in the simple complexity
of her flavors...
That sharp edge for taking note
of what goes unnoticed or rather
unsaid and framed so that
I can distinctly recall
an image clear enough
to say I was there...

a delightful surprise
to my pallet...
so that is what clarity
in the moment and the word
can bring...

But what I really noticed
was the "eeeeeeeee"
where I would normally
say "iiiiiii",
and the small, sharp
quick turns in head
and the slight hop
with each exhaled word...

and what I really noticed?
the smile that crept on my face
as I listened...

and what I really noticed?
the smile was honest.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dead Owls

I'm trying to listen.
I've talked so much
that my voice has
become muffled behind
cotton stuffing-
the stuff you're stuffed with
when you wake
to parrots
reciting the news of the hour:
life has escaped
our definitions...

I admit to
cotton pulling
this understory
of dead owls
pinned to my sleep...
Tearing open my ears
wide enough to be stuffed
with parots.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Butterfly Catcher

How memory
Speaks through
our speech
Building coral reefs
In understanding
Like hard water
Through a faucet mouth
Minerals then layered
and chipped free
with a steak knife
which has outgrown
it's taste for beef.

How memory
speaks through
Our speech
ground down to
High powers
Of reasoning.

How memory
Speaks through
Our speech
Ground down
To fine powders
Of seasoning.

A flavor
blown away
by a strong muscle
for listening.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wide Eyes Watching

Lone mother
In a womb
Tied to pieces

Lone father
Blinking blind
Touching fine
Locks of golden
Skillet blues
Slapped on
Your face of
Many mines...

Pancake womb
Tied to many pieces
Slapped on
Many mines
of bulging
Can take womb
Shake up wide eyes
Watching deeply
Wide eyes
Wanting deeply
Wide eyes
Caught in question
Wide eyes... reaching in.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Stone Fish

Stone fish
Pellet eyed
Whiskey curls
Lapped up
Between molten
To clay moldings
In heat
Below my feet
Filling teeth
With sweet corn
Between molten
Cobble stone fish
Pellet eyed
Screaming sleepy
City sax
Ringing trolley tracks


We sauntered here...
Chattering about some nonsense
rippled in our genes...
Which person you speak in
dyes your voice
with colored hues...
tones I've heard so much,
I don't hear them...
Colors arose
and someone said

Who called it?
The question arose
and fell upon
a passing sun...

A glimpse
of a real hand
in wild shock
of pure light...

It's many times here...
These hands...
are many times here...

found moving
caught here...

a passing sun and
a shade changed
frozen hands
on a block of wood...

and we tied up this
time of hands...
we tied up this
time of hands...

Into many lines
between two points...

Points then scattered about...
Many lines...
Many times...
and somewhere...a star forms.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Get Up With It

Meddled bread rows
Banana bread eyes
heart shaped cake paws
close-up and detailed
metal flaked trim cake
squeezed out
piping and icing

Get up with it
Hound of horses
Flattened and smeared
to half real figures

Tissue flags fly
posters for a guilty meal
of sundown wreaths
and ornamental knocks
for target maps
in a range of baked
good music is everywhere

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Have Patience

My stray bookends
Toolplace low bit kitchen
No chairs
Low to the ground
Low lit
Blocks of wood
Flat on the wall
Rounded around
A corner room blue
Sky blue daylight
Coming to shoot the grass
Tied up with a rainbow
Angry clown twin buddy
Button cream puff
Spiky thorn amebic creature
Baked in mud daylight

Monday, October 11, 2010


Yes, I feel as though I've been withholding...
This feeling that my dear ones are a blessing...
the humanity contained in my eye could make a heart break...
my heartbreak.
That I am so in love with the other
that for a moment... emptiness...
and then nowhere am I.

Withholding the tires wrapped around my neck...
and the rubber silt in my chest...
Breathing to be let out..

Withholding that...

In this word is my mind
and the sound goes missing...

Withholding that...
My hand glides across this page
and my fingers do a few shakes
back and forth and there goes...

the crickets I hear...
the rug beneath my feet...
the breathing... and there goes...

the words cross a page...
and I'm missing the sound
from which they came...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Terra Australis Incognita

Two identical drawers of tableware
White deep & shallow...
Opened with a golden knob...
The size of a marble.

Each drawer
Containing a poem
Tucked into the back right corner...
Similar mouths shaped on each page...

"I sound" - the same.

...a diagonal pattern of words - little symbols - pointed out by a fawn.

SMALL PICTURES intimately connected
to picture taking in the Arctic.

I am shocked...
These mouths shaped from before.
These mouths shaped are not new.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


A 3 tiered hot air balloon house.
3 levels.
The bottom level is for toilets.
The middle level is for dining.
The top level is for sleeping,
though the air is quite loud.

I slip a basket weave sleeve,
the size of a modest castle,
over the entire balloon house.
The air becomes very dark,
lacking views.

Upon removal of the sleeve,
the hot air balloon house
appears to be
a white rice paper lantern.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Under the Pavement

Under the pavement, mother...
Under the pavement, my mother...

The wind carries a group of seeds
to this place
There grew a forest...

Under the pavement, mother...
Under the pavement, bare mother...

The wind carries a seed
to this place
There grew a city...

Under the pavement, mother...
Under the pavement, bare mother...

The wind carries seed
to this place
Here grows a net...

Angel City, mother...
Under the pavement, mother...
Under the pavement, bare mother...

You carry my feet, Angel City, my mother...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Touchscreen Thumb Dance

I stick my thumb through the fence
and the links clamp
down on them like
sneaky monster jaws
yelling -

and my little thumb
does its little jiggity-jig-jig
It's taps it's way
all the day...

tap tap tap shuffshuffle send

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Train in Vain

Now carried by a train - a coastline current
of bored children
walking narrow aisles
confined to narrow tracks
rythm blanks
between mangled machines
revelations of breath and sky

And a simple question thrown over my shoulder:
rock, paper, scissors?

Back out in the fields
speckled slang-slung shoulders,
hunched mountain backs
of quenched DO-ers...
Tight pocket pinching greens
called sweat-slung chance,
big-break broken limbs,
wheel-eaten legs,
mouse-chopped hands,
screen-sucked eyes,
chopped heads of
let us be on automatic safety
pilot flipping channels
formed to water analytical greens
predicting the future claim formed redemption

the ONE


Lures you into narrow aisles
of narrow aisles of
thinking too hard about
thinking too hard about
thinking too hard about
thinking too hard about
see how straight this is?
thinking too hard about
thinking too hard about
thinking too hard about
thinking too hard about...

narrow aisles confined to narrow tracks

oh dear

the power of limits...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Sound of I

I word
I letter
I word
I letter
of the

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bicycle Crater in Mexico

A collection
of young bodies
throw bicycles
into a ditch-
in Mexico.

call away
by appearance
of false law
fading to reveal
cricket devouring the skeleton
of a bicycle!

The collections
regather a preserve
voiced together
by a string of
broken beads.

One young body
feeds on a water trough,
questioned by one of the same.

Another young body
somersaults in an
old schoolhouse.
Sheer in appearance
of false law.

Collection time
Gather preserve
for young bicycle thrown crater
of green Mexico
giant green cricket
devour bicycle frame thrown crater

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Raking Leaves

A 3 million minute mile
Of wasted paper
Bundled in your tights
Breathes a justification
Cuniform gilded
Beyond the measured
Mention... Dimentia
Toppled over shortforms
And long hands
Snakelike and wormy
Full of holes and deliberation...
which be will the next be...
Consistent wanderings of the imagination...
Mechanized clocks tuned to the urn of time...
Bless this wishing well...
So deeply burrowed in earth...
So perfectly rounded to the sky...
And it's own inner resistance.

3 Pianos

The Gate:

This piano clothes the whole
length of a white tiled wall... about 25 linear feet.
It's top just barely reaches the ceiling and it is
black lacquered and shiny... very fine.

The Restroom:

This piano is short.
It is 25" above ground and 5' wide.
There are dry chalky toothpaste stains
along the centerline- frame & keys.
There is a waterspout
coming out of the middle frame.

The Delicacy:

This piano slightly smaller
than the previous one.
Most of it's keys are
a brown like toffee candy.
Some are black and others
are white like white rabbits.
This one plays well.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Recession Haircut

I woke at 4 AM this morning to a DREAM which stated:  "The grounds you reach for IS the grounds you seek change in."

Baby bird,
You sing so sweetly
in a word...


I found a little shrine behind the bushes...
A little house with a large bulb in each room...
There were dolls and elephants...

A little lady snuck up behind me with her wishes.
She spoke to me of her sick husband
and told me this is where she goes
so that one day
she may come home...

This made sense to me.... AND...
I found out where to get a recession haircut.

I came home to fireworks again...
and crickets.

The world close to me sings
when I'm silent enough to hear it.

Baby bird,
You sing so sweetly
in a word...


My neighbor picked me some thyme, oregano,
rosemary, and sage...

I said thank you, I will have good dreams tonight.

Today needs no embellishment...
Today needs nothing more than what it is...

I'm not ashamed to say - It is good.