Sunday, October 24, 2010

In One Day

I'm so full right now
I can barely speak...
so Let's try:

In one day

I traveled
so near.

This place I long to live.

It is mapped here
by a string
so deep
within the cracks
and crevices
that I can barely speak
so Let's try:

In one day

I danced on a lotus in china
Tasted a Russian trio
Trekked through the shire in Mexico
and died in India...

In one day

you drop me
where I need to be
amongst pots of gold
where all is exposed
if you let it be
Angel city...

around every corner
in your being
you drop me
where I need to be
you take care of me
Angel city...

And there's walking!
Alot of walking
with all your questions
and imperfections
driving through public
open airways
you sing to me
a beautiful growing
rubble of birth...
Reminding me this:

what turns me away
is my turning away...

Angel city
You drop me
where I need to be
and when I can't see you
All I need to do is ask...

And you drop me
where I need to be.

I love you angel city... all in one day.

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