Friday, October 1, 2010

Recession Haircut

I woke at 4 AM this morning to a DREAM which stated:  "The grounds you reach for IS the grounds you seek change in."

Baby bird,
You sing so sweetly
in a word...


I found a little shrine behind the bushes...
A little house with a large bulb in each room...
There were dolls and elephants...

A little lady snuck up behind me with her wishes.
She spoke to me of her sick husband
and told me this is where she goes
so that one day
she may come home...

This made sense to me.... AND...
I found out where to get a recession haircut.

I came home to fireworks again...
and crickets.

The world close to me sings
when I'm silent enough to hear it.

Baby bird,
You sing so sweetly
in a word...


My neighbor picked me some thyme, oregano,
rosemary, and sage...

I said thank you, I will have good dreams tonight.

Today needs no embellishment...
Today needs nothing more than what it is...

I'm not ashamed to say - It is good.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes in a poem I find a line (or 3)that I love. In this one it was -

Today needs no embellishment...
Today needs nothing more than what it is...

I'm not ashamed to say - it is good.



Melai said...

Yeah, sometimes it takes a few pages before a few lines of honesty get squeezed out. thanks :)